January’s Newsletter is Here!
Gail’s Gab
Happy New Year 2015
I hope you all have enjoyed a wonderful winter break with family and friends. I stayed close to home this year and focused on family and catching up with my likewise busy friends here in town.
Big thank you to everyone for the lovely cards and gifts I was showered with in December. You are all so very thoughtful! Also a huge thank you to all of the Ladybug families and the Bermejo family who did an amazing job of cleaning the preschool over our break, it looked fantastic when I arrived Monday to set up! (Thank you also to the families that dropped in to get the furniture back in place)
What is up for January?
Kindergarten: Please ensure you register your child for kindergarten EVEN IF you are considering holding your child back a year (sometimes children with late birthdays benefit from the extra preschool time). You can always withdraw from the public school later in the spring or even in the summer if you still feel your child is not ready. Kindergarten spaces can be limited at SVE; you want to reserve a spot. I will make time after our Spring Break to meet with any parents that would like to discuss their child’s readiness for kindergarten. Please keep in mind that although it seems like a big step …. it is still 8 months until September and your child is going to be taking their own giant steps developmentally between now and then.
Kindergarten registration at SVE is the week of January 26th
Please check dates for other schools as they are not all the same.
Ready Set Learn is being held on a Thursday January 29th this year so Ladybugs will have to make their own arrangements to visit SVE for this event. (In the past we have attended as a class)
Pajama Day: PJ Day is January 15 and 16 wear your PJ’s to school, bring your favorite stuffy for show and tell and eat yummy pancakes with your friends! Parents on Duty, please wear your PJ’s or at least a robe to help us support this special theme day. ** If your child can not eat pancakes or have syrup on them, please speak to Gail.
Classroom Program: Once we warm up to preschool after our winter break, we will cool things down with some ice exploration and experiments as we investigate the lives of Penguins and Polar Bears.
Show & Tell: Children are invited to bring a show and tell item from home on the 1st Friday of each month.
*Because we missed our first Friday in January….
January’s show and tell will be on PJ day January 15/16 and the Theme of Show and Tell is “your favorite sleep toy/stuffy”.
Heads up for February’s Show & Tell: it will be on Feb. 6th and the Theme is something “you love”.
This and That: I would still like to collect the tuna cans as my stock for next year is very low…so please keep sending them in. We need baby food jars with lids if you have any or know someone who would donate them to us please. (sooner than later) When changing paper towel rolls at preschool, please keep the empty roll and plastic end for me. Thank you!
Playfully Gail
President’s Pen
Happy New Year!I hope everyone had time to play and relax with their family over the holidays. My family is rested and looking forward to getting back into our routines.
Thanks to my fellow ladybugs families and the Bermejo family for helping clean the school. It looks great!
Registration for next year opens January 15. Please tell your friends about our wonderful preschool.
Wow, I can’t believe kindergarten registration is at the end of January! It is a good thing I have 9 more months to get used to the idea. I’m so grateful Brendan is going to Strawberry Vale Preschool and getting used to learning in an elementary school class with his grade 1 buddy. I’m sure it will make the transition easier for everyone.
I’m looking forward to hearing Allison Rees speak at our February General Meeting. I still use many of the parenting tips I learned in 2010, when she spoke at the preschool when my oldest child attended. Her presentation will start at 6:50, so come a few minutes early and bring a friend or two or three.
All the best, Maddy