Can you believe how March has flown by?!
We were so lucky this week to enjoy a trip to Rosedale Park for lots of climbing, swinging, spinning and serving up fries in the little wooden house.
Teacher Gail introduced chair yoga to the class and we had a great time, twisting and stretching our bodies. There were some close games at snakes and ladders! The game offers so many learning opportunities; patience in waiting for a turn, one-to-one counting, number recognition, accepting disappointments and cheering for successes.
With warmer weather, we filled the rain barrel which made the sandbox THE place to be. There were rivers, waterfalls and interesting soups created. Spring is coming! we were able to stop and talk with some happy bees out in the field.

Important Reminders*
The Meg Boorman Photography photo shoot is coming up on April 15th, you get 8 family photos during a 15 minute shoot.
Hilltop fundraiser for Mothers Day, pickup will be May 12th.