Strawberry Patch June 2024

🌟 Discover the Delights of Our Recent Weeks at SVP Preschool! 🌟

Hello Families! πŸŒΈπŸ’Œ

As we approach the end of the school year, here are some updates:

  • Chickens: Our chickens have gone to their forever homes, but we still have tadpoles and caterpillars to care for!
  • Graduation: Details have been sent out in your weekly newsletter. Graduation is on June 21st, from 9-12. The school year finishes after graduation.
  • Picnic: The picnic was a huge success! Thank you everyone for coming.
  • Strawberry Festival: Join us on July 7th for a fun day at our booth. We need volunteers to talk about our preschool. Sign up at school or email
  • Amazon Boxes: We need small boxes for our imagination station. If you have any to spare, please bring them in!

Big Buddies Visit! πŸ₯πŸ‘«

We had an exciting visit from our big buddies in Mrs. Roach’s class! Our preschool friends eagerly showed them our fluffy chicks and gave them a tour of our vibrant outdoor play space. It was a bustling, busy day full of laughter and discovery!

Sunny Day Fun 🌞✨

With the arrival of nice weather, we’ve brought out some favorite activities! The bubbles and bubble wands, along with our water table, were huge hits. Both activities drew large crowds of happy, giggling kids!

Lizard Adventures 🦎🏠

The warm sun has brought out the lizards, scurrying around our yard. Our creative kiddos even built a lizard house, complete with a tiny fireplace in the middle!

Peek into Frogs’ Week πŸΈπŸƒ

The Frogs class has been busy tending our garden. They took a lovely walk to care for our herbs and plants, and on the way back, they had fun building nests and campfires. There was also a lot of tape used to build the most imaginative lizard trap ever!

Ladybugs’ Colorful Week 🐞🎨

The Ladybugs enjoyed a mix of weather this week. On sunny days, we brought out bubble wands, walking stilts, and colorful chalk. The rain added a new twist, turning our drawings into vibrant masterpieces and creating a fast-flowing river in our forest play area!

Exciting Delivery Play πŸ“¦πŸšš

Our little delivery people were hard at work, sorting packages and sending them down the ‘chute’. Some boxes became cozy homes or towering structures. The creativity was endless!

Peek into Bears’ Week πŸ»πŸ”¬

We explored a fun science experiment with cornstarch, water, and color. Is it wet? Sticky? Hard or soft? The kids loved the sensory play, and cleanup was a breeze! Our SVP Ice Cream Shoppe also opened, with the kids serving up the largest ice cream sundaes!

Tadpoles’ Busy Week πŸΈπŸ›

Our little chicks have grown into chickens and have moved to their new homes, and now we’re caring for caterpillars that will soon become Painted Lady Butterflies. The kids have been busy building homes for centipedes and lizards among the wood pieces.

Ladybugs’ Construction Zone πŸ—οΈπŸ°

The Ladybugs had a blast with our wood blocks, creating amazing structures. We even got to watch a live construction demo outside our fence! The kids learned so much and had the best view from our picnic table.

Frogs’ Police Adventure πŸš“πŸ”§

The Frogs class helped the police tune up their bikes after a fun pretend collision. Our little mechanics and construction workers were on hand to make repairs and ensure everyone was smiling after the incident.

Thank you to all our wonderful families for your continued support and participation. Let’s make these last few weeks memorable!

Until Next Time!

Strawberry Vale Preschool πŸŒŸπŸ“