
Gail Atkins
Early Childhood Educator / ManagerAs an alumni student of Strawberry Vale Preschool, I am proud to say I have worked as the head teacher here for 15 years and have been an ECE since 1986. I have never wavered from knowing that working with children is my passion and playful learning is my philosophy.
Throughout my career I have had experience in daycare, homecare, private respite, integrated learning programs, home schooling and hospital based childcare. SVP was my first opportunity to be involved in a parent participation cooperative program, where I have had privileged to be a part of not just the children’s lives but the families and community we share.
I grew up in Victoria, have 3 adult children and one adorable kitten in my spare time I Outrigger paddle in our beautiful (but cold) ocean.

Jen Mayer
ECEA ISWI have over 21 years of experience in child centered programs including facilitating children’s programming for the Military Family Resource Centre, running a home daycare, and working for school districts in both BC and Alberta. I hold a Special Needs Educational Assistant Certificate from Grant MacEwan University with seven years working in the field, primarily with Kindergarten and preschool age children, as well as a Early Childhood Educator Assistant Certificate.
In my spare time, I’m an outdoor enthusiast and avid volunteer with Girl Guides of Canada as a Spark and Brownie leader. And I have two grown children of my own!

Deb Housden
ECEAMy name is Deb and I’m very excited to be part of the SVP community. I have been working with children for the past 10 years. I have worked in preschools, daycare centres, elementary schools and my own daycare. I obtained my ECE Assistant license in 2016 and have attended more than 200 hours of workshops and conferences in the field of childcare. My husband and I have two children, ages 11 and 13. We have two cats, a new puppy and backyard chickens. When I’m not at work, I’m playing in my garden or doing yoga.
I enjoy getting to know your child and helping them learn, grow and explore everything that preschool has to offer!